Entre los apagaus coloris dela inregulal primavera d'ogañu por causa del'agua i el fríu, se destacava tras dun canchal o an pie del caminu el colol azul que variava cona lus del sol dela frol dela Anchusa officinalis. Dizía Dioscóridis (IV 127) que si s'añidi al vinu da εὐφροσύνη (alegría). El su nombri corrienti de lengua-buei vien pola horma delas ojas i dela pelusina que cubri el tallu i las propias ojas.
the spring's subdued colours of this year as a result of the water and
the cold, it is stood out behind the rocks or at the road level the
colour blue of the Anchusa officinalis, which varied according to the
light of the sun's flower. Dioscorides stated that the mixture of this
flower and wine produces εὐφροσύνη (happiness) (IV 127). Its popular name lengua-buei comes from the leaves' forms and the fuzz that cover the plant.
Detalli delas primeras froris i delas ojas/Detail of the first flowers and their leaves |
Pranta aflorecía/Flowering plant |
Nombri científicu/Scientific name: Anchusa officinalis.
Nombri corrienti/Common name: Lengua-buei (var. lengua-de-buei, lengua-vaca).
Familia/Family: Boraginaceae.
Floración/Flowering period: mayu-juniu/May-June.
Sitiu/Place: Las Mingarras (Nava'l-Conceju), cimenteriu dela Roca (La Roca).
Fecha dela retrataúra/Picture's date: Primel retrataúra/First picture: 17/04/16; Segunda retrataúra/Second picture: 01/05/16.
Máquina de retratal/Camera: Aquaris E4.5 (1,2).
- Dioscórides, Plantas y remedios medicinales, trans. Valdés García, Manuela. Gredos, Madrid, 1982. Print.
- Durán Oliva, Fernando, Gil Llano, José Ramón, Guía de flores de Extremadura. Dicotiledóneas. Fondo Natural, S. L.: Ávila, 1992. Print.
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