En estus días de primavera toñá, las prantas no sabin qué hazel, si aflorecel o perdel las ojas. Esta semana passá son muchas las froris que án vueltu a aflorecel enos campus i montis, enllenandu los cibrantus, barrancas i caminus de amarillus i moraus.
In these spring-like autumn days, the trees and weeds do not know whether to bloom or to lose their leaves. The last week, many plants were blooming again in the hills and countryside, covering the ditches of yellow and purple.
In these spring-like autumn days, the trees and weeds do not know whether to bloom or to lose their leaves. The last week, many plants were blooming again in the hills and countryside, covering the ditches of yellow and purple.
Abejita a çugal/Bee sucking nectar |
Enos nuestrus passeus pol monti, llevava unus días llamandu-mus l'atención velaquí esta frol, que aparecía ala magarça, no era, peru tapocu otra nenguna delas que viamus ena primavera. Mos susprendió la su floración tardía i que huera delicia delas abejitas i las ovispas. Se trata dela Bidens pilosa.
There was a flower that caught our attention while we were walking in the mountains, it looked like a daisy, but it was neither a daisy nor any other we saw in spring. Its late flowering and the fact that it was a pleasure for the bees astonished us. This plant we are referring to is called Bidens pilosa.
Frol dendi arriba/ Flower view from above |
Quandu mos acercamus más a retratá-la, mos tomamus cuenta de cosas inregularis: la inflorescencia de drentu, la oja tan grandi dela pranta i el hechu de que tuvieran repegonis.
When we got close to take a picture, we realised that there were irregularities related to the plant's anatomy: the inflorescence inside it, its big leaves, and its spreading system based on a cluster of barbed seeds.
Detalli delas inflorescencias/Details of the inflorescence |
Dispués d'unus días a procural el nombri científicu d'esta pranta, sigún mos imponemus d'ella, atopamus que es velaquí otra pranta envadiora, es dizil, lo mesmu que la Phytolacca decandra dela que palremus la semana passá, esta vien d'América. Sin embargu, la su procedencia es dela América del Sul i no del Norti. Comu se halla tan adatá al ambienti no davamus que huera tamién de huera, peru está catalogá ya de essótica enos listaus entrenacionalis.
After many days searching for its scientific name, we found that it was an invasive plant as well as Phytolacca decandra, the plant we posted last week. This plant comes from the North of America, not from the South. Since it was so well adapted to the environment, we did not thought it was an invasive plant, although it is categorized as exotic in the international lists.
Repegonis enantis d'abril/Barbed seeds before they spread out |
En viendu polas gavias cómu se cría esta pranta no puímus evital llenal-mus las baxeras delos pantalonis delos sus repegonis. Estus repegonis no son más que las simientis, que en passandu renti delas que están abiertas, los ganchinus delos aquenius se pegan ala ropa con tentigués, de má que ai que quitá-lus a unu a unu con cudiu de no espinal-si.
By seeing how they were growing in the ditches, we could not avoid the thorns covering our clothes and we had to get rid of these barbed seeds or achenes very carefully.
Repegonis abiertus/ Spreaded out seeds |
Por causa d'esti mecanismu d'esparramamientu, es normal que aiga colonizau gran parti del mundu. Ena Península, se halla lo mesmu pola costa que en el interiol. Eno tocanti a Estremaúra, es envadiora comu nel Alenteju, pos se cría en toa crassi d'ambientis, enque prefieri la umidá.
Due to this spreading mechanism, it is normal its colonization in great part of the world. In this peninsula, it is located in the coasts and inland. It is also an invasive plant in Alenteju as is the case of Estremadura, for it grows in all type of fields, even though it prefers the humidity.
Repegonis/Barbed seeds |
Comu en el casu dela Phytolacca decandra, no amus hallau un nombri en estremeñu pa esta pranta. Si damus con él, lo añidimus al endilgu.
Just as the Phytolacca decandra, we could not find the Estremaduran name of this plant. In case we find it, we will put it in the article.
Ojas dela pranta/Plant leaves |
Refressionamus sobre la presencia d'esta crassi de prantas en Estremaúra, tan adatás, i mos susprendi cómu la flora autóctona, tan delicá, acaba cediendu enfrontilá a prantas d'esti jeitu. Quandu las lavoris dela agricultura i las curas endañan el equilibru ambiental i las que resistin son siempri las que tienin esta capacidá d'adatación i d'esparramamientu, no es compricau entendel la biodiversidá está en paragi de çaleal-si.
If we think about how well adapted is this plant in Estremadura, we would be surprised by the disastrous effects of this weed on the so delicate autochthonous flora. It is not difficult to understand the loss of the significant biodiversity when the plants that survive the agricultural labour and the insecticides that pollute and destroy the atmosphere are always the same.
Prantas de Bidens pilosa/ Bidens pilosa plants |
Nombri científicu/Scientific name: Bidens pilosa
Nombri corrienti/Common name: ?
Familia/Family: Asteraceae
Floración/Flowering period: ?
Sitiu/Place: Las Mingarras (Nava'l-Conceju/Navaconcejo).
Fecha dela retrataúra/Picture's date: 05/10/16 (toas/all)
Máquina de retratal/Camera: ALE L21.
- VV. AA. Botanica Extremadurensis, vol. 5. Montijo, Vicepresidencia Segunda y Consejería de Economía, Comercio e Investigación. 2011. Impreso.
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