La primavera trai demasiás froris comu pa catalogá-las i poné-las aquí, quandu lo bonitu es salil i vé-las en el campu. Por essu mejol vos queamus estas retrataúras delas primeras froris que vimus ressaltantis ogañu, cuyamenti enos Barruecus, una variedá de Narcissus más destendía por otras partis dela Península que paquí i que son pelras entre los canchalis.
The spring has
brought too many flowers to catalogue and put them here. What is really nice is
going outside and see them in the field. That is the reason why, we better
share these pictures of the first flowers that caught our attention, they were strangely
enough taken in the Barruecos. These flowers are a variety of Narcissus more
widespread in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula,
and in my opinion, pearls in the rocky ground.
Prantas juntal canchal |
Son froris endémicas dela parti galoibérica, peru en Estremaúra se vein pocu, por causa, seguramenti, dela ganaería, pos son prantas que se crían enas sombrías delos canchalis en sitius de plau.
They are endemic
flowers of the Gallo-Iberian side, but in Extremadura they aren't very common,
due, probably, to the cattle industry, because they are plants that are raised in
dark places of the rocky ground in the meadows.
Frol aislá |
Ala contra que los sus primus los junquitus, esta pranta possei una frol más llamativa, aprepará pa acogel los bichunus çugonis dela primavera con una horma de trompeta aparenti i un amarillu que se destaca dendi largu.
Unlike the
junquitus, this plant has a more flashy flower made to welcome spring bugs with
a shape similar to that of a trumpet and a yellowish colour that stands out
from afar.
Abejita a çugal |
Nombri científicu/Scientific name: Narcissus bulbocodium
Familia/Family: Amaryllidaceae.
Floración/Flowering period: hebreru-caberus de marçu.A TENTU DELAS RETRATAÚRAS/ABOUT PICTURES
Sitiu/Place: Los Barruecus (Malpartía/Malpartida de Cáceres).
Fecha dela retrataúra/Picture's date: 05/02/17 (1,2,3).
- Durán Oliva, Fernando, José Ramón Gil Llano. Guía de flores de Extremadura (monocotiledóneas). Fondo Natural: Ávila, 1992. Print.
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