En estremeñu:
El gustu pola fotografía que mos uni, junta la naturaleza i sel andarinis de montis i campus, mos llevó a recadal muchu material en imagis delos nuestrus passeus: froris, prantas, frutus, paisagis, vereas, caminus, bichinus, etc. La lavol de entificación de prantas pol su nombri científicu i pol su nombri común en estremeñu al tiempu d'ordenal las retrataúras mos dio el vencijón pa sacal velaquí esti blogui.
Dendi aquí buscamus enseñal la flora estremeña i dal enteracionis delas prantas que diremus arrellenandu formi vaigamus apañandu más informacionis. Ca entrá está dedicá a una pranta, de má que tolas enteracionis tocantis a ella saldrán en un mesmu sitiu. Sin embargu, no es un blogui científicu ni quiel sé-lu: namás queremus servil de ventana al nuestru campu pa concencial dela su biodiversidá i tenel respetu con essas prantas que muchus passan por cima quandu caminean pol campu.
omu no ai bloguis generalis sobre prantas d'Estremaúra, namás localis, avía velaí necessiá de hazel un blogui ondi recadal por mé del'imagi, el patrimoniu floral i la coltura oral sobre ellu. Pa un esparramamientu mayol, decidimus de hazel el blogui enteramenti bilingüi a trocu de que conoçan los nuestrus campus más pallá delas lindis dela idioma.
Amás con esti blogui recordamus aquel quaernu con floris i prantas que de chicu llevava unu delos autoris quandu diva a passeal con el su avuelu, que dibujava con pacencia i añidía los nombris vernáculus embaxu.
I si angunu se pregunta por qué el nombri de Pargañas i rebentabueyis, que no pierda hilu delo que escrivimus, que de juru lo abrigua.
In English:
The pleasure of photography, as well as nature and trekking, led us to gather many pictures of our walks: flowers, plants, fruits, landscape, tracks, insects, etc. Identifing plants trough their scientific and their Extremaduran common names and ordering them encouraged us to publish this blog.
Our purpose is to show the Extremaduran flora and its information that will be completed as soon as we achieve it. Each entry is dedicated to one plant in such a way that all the information related to it will appear in the same place. Nevertheless, this blog is not and it does not expect to be a scientific one: we just want to make people aware of the biodiversity and respect those unnoticed plants.
Since there are not general blogs about Extremaduran plants, but local, it was neccesary to create a blog where its image, flowers and oral culture could be shared. In order that it could get a greater spreading, we decided to make from this blog a fully bilingual web page that goes beyong the language boundaries.
Furthermore, this blog aims to remind you about that flowers and plant's notebook one of the author carried at a very early age while walking with his grandfather, who drawn paciently and added the vernacular names below.
In case someone is wondering about the name Pargañas i rebentabueyis, follow us and you will figure it out.
The pleasure of photography, as well as nature and trekking, led us to gather many pictures of our walks: flowers, plants, fruits, landscape, tracks, insects, etc. Identifing plants trough their scientific and their Extremaduran common names and ordering them encouraged us to publish this blog.
Our purpose is to show the Extremaduran flora and its information that will be completed as soon as we achieve it. Each entry is dedicated to one plant in such a way that all the information related to it will appear in the same place. Nevertheless, this blog is not and it does not expect to be a scientific one: we just want to make people aware of the biodiversity and respect those unnoticed plants.
Since there are not general blogs about Extremaduran plants, but local, it was neccesary to create a blog where its image, flowers and oral culture could be shared. In order that it could get a greater spreading, we decided to make from this blog a fully bilingual web page that goes beyong the language boundaries.
Furthermore, this blog aims to remind you about that flowers and plant's notebook one of the author carried at a very early age while walking with his grandfather, who drawn paciently and added the vernacular names below.
In case someone is wondering about the name Pargañas i rebentabueyis, follow us and you will figure it out.
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