El primel contactu con esta frol m'aconteció ena Sierra d'Alor, junta Olivença. Cogió nombraía esta sierra, fueraparti pola diversidá de flora, pola ruta que corri por aquellus cabeçus que, apenas unus días al añu, dexa vel el viciu d'esta pranta.
The first time we saw this flower was in the Sierra de Alor, next to Olivenza. This range is famous due to its flora diversity and its route that goes over those hills which let us see the exuberance of this plant.
The first time we saw this flower was in the Sierra de Alor, next to Olivenza. This range is famous due to its flora diversity and its route that goes over those hills which let us see the exuberance of this plant.
Frol i abejita ena Sierra d'Alor/Flower and bee in the Sierra de Alor |
La mata se conoci en Estremaúra pol nombri dela frol: rosa albardera. El nombri científicu está emparentau con el d'otra pranta que mienta Dióscoridis, παιονίας (Paeonia officinalis, III 47), que'l moti le vien dau a cuentu del meicu delos diosis Peón, el que la descubrió.
The flower´s name in Estremadura comes from the name of the plant: rosa albardera. The scientific name is related to another plant Dioscorides mentioned, παιονίας (Paeonia officinalis, III 47), whose name proceeds from the god´s doctor Paean, the one who discovered it.
The flower´s name in Estremadura comes from the name of the plant: rosa albardera. The scientific name is related to another plant Dioscorides mentioned, παιονίας (Paeonia officinalis, III 47), whose name proceeds from the god´s doctor Paean, the one who discovered it.
Cuencu dela frol/Flower blooming |
Esta pranta la poemus encontral en sitius altus junta roblis, enzinas, castañus, mairoñus o en alcornocalis, an pie delos canchalis, siempri ala sombra i ondi ai umedá. Se trata duna especii endémica i bastanti destendía pola Estremaúra más bravía. Las retrataúras que aquí ponemus lo demuestran: Sierra d'Alor, Tras-la-Sierra i el robleal dela Garganta delos Infiernus.
This plant in situated in the highest places nearby oaks, holm oaks, chestnut trees, strawberry trees, cork oaks, at the foots of the rocky hills, and it is always in the shades and dry places. It is a widely endemic species in the Estremaduran wilderness. These pictures clearly proves it: Sierra de Alor, Traslasierra and the oakwoods from the Garganta de los Infiernos.
This plant in situated in the highest places nearby oaks, holm oaks, chestnut trees, strawberry trees, cork oaks, at the foots of the rocky hills, and it is always in the shades and dry places. It is a widely endemic species in the Estremaduran wilderness. These pictures clearly proves it: Sierra de Alor, Traslasierra and the oakwoods from the Garganta de los Infiernos.
Cuencu cerrau dispués de llovel en el robleal/ Flower closing its petals after rainning |
Las nuestras cámaras s'alvorotarun velallí entre los canchalis que s'amontonan por cima del Robli del Acarrearu, entre'l Tornu i Cabeça-Vellosa. En sitiu escalabrosu i de mala huélliga entre los roblis i canchus picúus que s'ensoman al Valli, las matas d'esta pranta procuran las pocas oras de sol primaveralis.
We get excited among the rocky hills situated on the Roble del Acarreadero, between el Torno and Cabezabellosa. In a sheer land surrounded by oaks and sharped hills, the bushes of this plant try to find the brief hours of the spring-like sun.
We get excited among the rocky hills situated on the Roble del Acarreadero, between el Torno and Cabezabellosa. In a sheer land surrounded by oaks and sharped hills, the bushes of this plant try to find the brief hours of the spring-like sun.
Matas dela rosa albardera/Plants of the rosa albardera |
Matas enos canchalis/Plants in the rocky hills |
Nombri científicu/Scientific name: Paeonia broteri.
Nombri corrienti/Common name: Rosa albardera.
Familia/Family: Paeoniaceae.
Floración/Flowering period: abril-mayu.
Sitiu/Place: Sierra d'Alor, Tras-la-Sierra, La Garganta delos Infiernus.
Fecha dela retrataúra/Picture's date: Primel retrataúra/First picture 27/04/14; Segunda, tercera, quinta i sesta retrataúra/Second, third, fifth and sixth picture 17/05/16; Quarta retrataúra/Forth picture 27/04/16.
Máquina de retratal/Camera: Olympus D595Z, C500Z (1), ALE-L21 (2,3,5,6), Aquaris E 4.5 (4).
- Dioscórides. Plantas y remedios medicinales, trans. Valdés García, Manuela. Gredos, Madrid, 1982. Print.
- Dirección General del Medio Natural. Análisis y estudio del proceso vegetal y su dinámica en la región de Extremadura. Junta de Extremadura. N. d. Web. 10 sept. 2016.
- Durán Oliva, Fernando, José Ramón Gil Llanos. Guía de flores de Extremadura. Dicotiledóneas. Fondo Natural, S. L. Ávila, 1992. Print.
- Andando Extremadura: Ruta de la rosa de Alejandría. Olivenza.
- Jinete Vetón: La rosa de Alejandría.
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