Estus días atrás, procurandu por anguna infusión que relaxara los músculus i ayuará a descansal, dispués d'arrebuscal pol muebri dela cozina di con una que ponía "relajante" i llevava passiflora i melissa. La melissa la conociamus porque es lo que siempri amus llamau torongil, peru velaquí la passiflora no davamus cono que era, assinque busquemus ena redi.
Some days ago, trying to find an infusion that could relax the muscles and help me to rest, I found one that served to relax and it was composed by passiflora and lemon balm. We knew the lemon balm because it was called "torongil", but this was not the case of the passiflora, so we search it on the Internet.
Some days ago, trying to find an infusion that could relax the muscles and help me to rest, I found one that served to relax and it was composed by passiflora and lemon balm. We knew the lemon balm because it was called "torongil", but this was not the case of the passiflora, so we search it on the Internet.
Frol abierta/Opened flower |
Deque vimus las retrataúras, mos susprendimus, porque era una pranta mu corrienti enos jardinis delos chaleris por gastá-las de enreaera enas alambris. En el Valli la vimus namás que en angunus chaleris i casas i namás vimus una pranta que nació por simientis caías ena barranca del río Xerti, esparramandu-si.
As soon as we saw the pictures on the Internet, we were surprised, since it was a very common plant used as vine plant in the chalet's garden. In the Valley we just saw it in some chalet, houses an others growing from the dispersed seeds in the cliffs of the river Xerte.
As soon as we saw the pictures on the Internet, we were surprised, since it was a very common plant used as vine plant in the chalet's garden. In the Valley we just saw it in some chalet, houses an others growing from the dispersed seeds in the cliffs of the river Xerte.
Froris en enreaera/Flowers in the vine plant |
Lo mesmu que otras prantas envadioras, enque entovía no está destensa comu la phytolacca o la bidens, formi vimus en anterioris endilgus, ya conocimus una muestra de que sin cudiu, esta pranta puei crecel en sitius úmidus ella sola.
Likewise other invasive plants, although it is not a widespread plant by comparison with the phytolacca and the bidens, as we have seen in the previous articles, the passiflora could grow in humid places by itself, if we are not careful.
Cara dela frol salía por simienti en una barranca/Flower growing from seed in a cliff |
Las sus propiedais están bien estudiás dendi ai sigrus, porque es una pranta que dendi el XIX paeci que se cría en Uropa traía d'América del Sul. Es aparenti palos niervus (desinquietú, arritmas, palpitacionis), pol efeutu sedanti, i palos doloris de cabeça i migrañas. Tamién es acorría palas apressionis.
Its properties have been studied many centuries ago, for it is a plant that since the 19th century seems to grow in Europe imported from South America. It has several uses such as anxiety, arrhythmia, or even palpitation for its sedative effects, it also serves to relieve migraine and headache, and to cope with depression.
Frol dela Passiflora ligularis adornandu una puerta en Garganta la Olla/ Passiflora ligularis decorating the door of a Garganta la Olla's house |
El su frutu, conocíu pol su usu comercial, es el maracuyá ena variedá Passiflora edulis. Esti nombri vien del guaraní mberú-cu-oyahá, peru el nuestru, rosal-dela-passión o passionaria vien puestu polos conquistaoris quandu vidun esta frol pola primel ves. En ellas vidun muchus sinus religiosus comu la corona d'espinas, los cravus de Cristu o el númiru d'apostolis sigún cuenta la tradición, de má que se le recordava ala passión de Cristu.
Its fruit, known for its comercial use, is the passionfruit of the Passiflora edulis. This name comes from Paraguay mberú-cu-oyahá, but ours is rosal-dela-passión or passionaria, named by the conquerors when they first saw the flower. They saw in this flower a lot of religious symbols such as the crown of thorns, the holy nails with which Christ was crucified or the number of apostles according to the tradition, so that this plant brings to their mind the passion of the Christ.
Frutu verdi/Unripe fruit |
En Estremaúra amus vistu namás dos variedais de Passifloraceae, que son la Passiflora caerulea (de mayol usu en jardinagi) i la Passiflora ligularis, que la retrataúra la ponemus por cima paque las compareis.
In Estremadura we have seen two varieties of Passifloraceae, which are the Passiflora caerulea (common in garden) and the Passiflora ligularis. We have included both of them in order that you can compare them.
Frutu maúru/Ripe fruit |
Nombri científicu/Scientific name: Passiflora caerulea.
Nombri corrienti/Common name: Rosal-dela-passión, passionaria.
Familia/Family: Passifloraceae.
Floración/Flowering period: ?
Sitiu/Place: San Jorgi, Puenti de hierru (Nava'l-Conceju/Navaconcejo); Garganta la Olla.
Fecha dela retrataúra/Picture's date: 24/05/16 (1); 12/06/16 (2); 15/06/16 (3); 02/07/16 (4); 21/10/16 (5, 6).
Máquina de retratal/Camera: Aquaris E 4.5, ALE L21, Y635-L01.